Vanity Fair Article: Danger in the Ring

Vanity Fair published an excellent article about the dangers of NuvaRing in January 2014

The beginning paragraph excerpted from the article is here, but you can click on the link and read the entire article below:

Danger in the Ring

By Marie Brenner – Portraits by Jonas Fredwall Karlsson

When 24-year-old Erika Langhart—talented, beautiful, bound for law school—died on Thanksgiving Day 2011, she became one of thousands of suspected victims of the birth-control device NuvaRing. Elite army athlete Megan Henry, who survived rampant blood clots in her 20s, is another. With major suits against NuvaRing’s manufacturer, Merck, headed for trial, Marie Brenner asks why, despite evidence of serious risk, a potentially lethal contraceptive remains on the market.

Read the entire article by clicking here

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